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Producer Sylvain Martinez
Sylvain Martinez's Domaine is located in Le Thoureil, about 20 km south-east of the city of Angers, in the department of Loria. Sylvan is a silent and modest personality, who from an early age began to cultivate and love the earth following the teachings of his grandfather. Determined to become a winemaker, he worked for several years with legendary Loria names such as Marc Angeli, Xavier Caillard and Oliver Cousin. In 2006 he rented a small uncultivated vineyard of Chenin, which is located on the right bank of the Loire, between Angers and Saumur, near the Abbey of Saint-Maur, where the presence of Chenin bianc is attested already in the year 845. Since then continues to grow by buying other vineyards cultivated with Chenin Blanc, Pinot d'Aunis, Gamay and Grolleau, which are bred in a natural way. Its vinification and aging cellar is located right in the basements of the Abbey, and all its wines are produced naturally without the use of sulfur. His are good, tense, almost etheric and possess that moving mineral texture that makes us love the Loire so much.