Czech Republic

Today in the Czech Republic, thanks to the ideal climatic conditions, the long tradition of winemaking, viticulture in the Czech Republic has deep roots two thousand years, and above all to the support of investors who have brought modern technologies, we are witnessing a renaissance of Czech wine. There are 2 winegrowing regions in the Czech Republic: Bohemia with an area of ​​444 ha. and 6 crus; but above all Moravia where it finds almost all the vineyards of the whole Czech Republic, with its 11.300 ha. and ten wine-growing areas, representing 95% of the vineyards. The wines with white grapes obtained from Chardonnay, Riesling, Mueller Thurgau, Moravian Muscat, and the king of the Moravian white wines, Valteline Vert, are especially appreciated. Red wines, generally less excellent than whites, are obtained from Frankovka grapes, and Pinot Noir, here called, Rulandské modré, Zweigelt, André and Oporto. Also interesting are the sparkling wines made from different grapes and the sweet Pálava wine. Among the best producers: Seckar Jan, Vino Hort, Marcintàk Wine, Mikrosvín Mikulov, Nové Vinarství, Sonberg and Reisten

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