Producer Nadia Curto
Nadia Curto's winery is located in the Annunziata hamlet of La Morra, in one of the most prized terroirs of the Langhe. Since 1960 the Curto family, Marco and his wife Adele, have cultivated four hectares of vineyards divided between Nebbiolo, Barbera, Dolcetto and Freisa. Since 2000, their daughter Nadia has been at their side who, after gaining experience in another field, decides to remain linked to the vineyard. From the beginning, Nadia was lucky enough to have an exceptional teacher on her side. This is her uncle Elio Altare, Adele's brother, who in previous years made his way, becoming the symbol of the "Barolo Boys". Alongside her uncle, Nadia learned not only to "make wine", but a "modernist" approach to Barolo, different from the more traditional one learned from her father Marco. Nadia's ability lies precisely in finding her own path by taking inspiration from both and taking advantage of the double savoir-faire from which she was able to draw. Thus in the vineyard he carries out an organic agricultural approach, preferring pheromone traps to pesticides and manure to chemical fertilizers and fertilizers. The vinification with crushing-destemming, spontaneous fermentation without temperature control, and refinements take place both in traditional large barrels and in used barriques and tonneaux, for a slow, accurate and patient process. All this is expressed in the two versions of Barolo, the "traditional" La Foia and the Arborina, of modernist inspiration. Barolos that put an end to a now outdated "dispute" and that offer different and fascinating expressions of the Nebbiolo from the oldest plants of the Arborina, of which Nadia has chosen to be the guardian.