Producer Franchina e Giarone


Modena is a land of excellence, there is little to do, passing through Maranello always has a certain effect when heading towards the Modena hills. Lambrusco is one of the excellences of this territory, we deeply believe it, and Luca Pizzetti has the air of being one of the great new interpreters. Do we want to ennoble Lambrusco? We adore the Modenese snack, Lambrusco, salami, parmesan, crescentine and lard pesto, what could be more noble than a banquet! Franchina e Giarone is a company that stands on a hill, and not in a random street, in Via Spagna, yes, precisely that street where the Trebbianino, took the name of Trebbiano di Spagna. Luca was born as a wine lover, worked in the textile industry for years and in the meantime began gaining experience with producers in the Modena area, Angol d'Amig and Podere Sotto il Noce. In 2020, taking advantage of the historical moment, he decides to take the step and dedicate himself to his personal project thanks also to the opportunity to be able to buy land. Luca works on 6 hectares of vineyards of which three are rented and in production and three were planted by him starting from a careful mass selection of old varieties. Luca is an exponent of the Modena hills and therefore the varieties he works with are Grasparossa, Trebbiano Modenese and Trebbiano di Spagna. The interpretation in the cellar has its own uniqueness, always fresh wines, short macerations on the reds and a blend of white and red grapes.

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