Producer 2Naturkinder


After having worked for six years in scientific publishing between Heidelberg, Regensburg, London and New York, and above all having become totally addicted to natural wines after drinking a bottle of "Boire Tue" by Pascal Simonutti, in 2013 Melanie and Michael took the decision to return to Germany and convert the winery in Kitzingen, which had belonged to Michael's family since 1843, into a cellar where to produce, under the motto “Nothing added, nothing taken away”, exclusively natural wines. Their grapes come from 7 hectares of organically grown or in-conversion vineyards, and depending on the vintage they buy grapes from their friends. In the cellar, the vinification is mainly experimental; for example, long macerations on the skins and different types of refermentations in the bottle are preferred. The 2Naturkinder wines, all unfiltered and not even corrected with SO2, may seem truly unusual to some, but by approaching them without prejudice and with renewed curiosity one will be able to grasp their authenticity and truly surprising character.

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