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Producer Pojer e Sandri
The Pojer e Sandri winery was founded in 1975 by the meeting of young people, Fiorentino Sandri and Mario Pojer. The former had just inherited about two hectares of vineyards, the latter had recently graduated from the prestigious oenology school of San Michele all'Adige. Valle dell'Adige and Valle di Cembra, an area in which the particular conformation of the land and the many hours of sunshine per year allow a wide range of black and white grape varieties to find the ideal location to fully develop their qualities intrinsic. Today the rows of the 32 hectares of vines are never used herbicides or desiccants, much less anti-tritic chemical treatments, so the plants of müller thurgau, chardonnay, nosiola, aromatic traminer, sauvignon and pinot noir come to produce pure, precious and natural. Bunches that are processed in the cellar using the most advanced enological technologies, always used with the deepest respect for ancient territorial traditions.