Producer Robb De Matt


The Robb De Matt Winery was born from an idea of ​​Gabriele Calabrese and Gaetano Palumbo and is located in Foglianise, in the province of Benevento. It produces natural wines following a uniquely artisanal process: grapes, all harvested by hand, ferment in open vats in prolonged contact with the skins and without temperature control and come from vines of at least 20 years, in complantation and treated only with sulfur and copper, identified and selected in different areas of the Taburno. As per peasant tradition, these are mixed varieties and vinified jointly for which none of our wines are single-variety. Fermentations are spontaneous, activated by indigenous yeasts present on the grapes without the use of adjuvants or enological additives, therefore using only indigenous yeasts and bacteria, totally excluding selected yeasts, clarifications or stabilizations. No filtration and no addition of sulfur dioxide, neither in the vinification phase nor in the bottling phase.The wines, after only one racking and months of permanence in glass or steel in contact with the fine lees, are bottled manually.

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