Producer Massa Vecchia


Massa Vecchia is a small family run business located in Massavecchia, in the province of Grosseto, in the high Maremma region of Tuscany, in the heart of the Metalliferous Hills. The company was founded in 1985 by Fabrizio Niccolaini, together with his wife Patrizia Bartolini, and since 2009 is managed by the daughter of Patrizia, Francesca Sfondrini, and its partners Daniel and Ines Wattenhofer, Thomas Frischknecht and Rocco Delli Colli. In 2010 Stefano Costagli, Francesca's husband was added, who together dedicate themselves to the agronomic-zootechnical management, and to the winery-sale. The acres of the company are about 21 divided into two bodies: the first which is 230 m. Above sea level, placed at the foot of the hill, and composed of vineyards, olive groves, and arable land, in the second, located at 500 m. inside the mountain, we find the farm, vineyards, arable land and a vast expanse of forests. The company's philosophy has always been to put at the center of the whole concept of "naturalness", to produce products that are respectful of nature and the cycles it imposes, and consequently man is a guardian who follows the natural processes without manipulating them. The vineyard is cultivated only with manual processes, biodynamic fertilizers, sulfur and copper as the only treatments, with fewer possible interventions on the ground. In the cellar the same philosophy is followed, chemical adjuvants are not allowed, fermentation is spontaneous, and no sulfur dioxide is added during all the production cycles. All that emerges are wines that carry within themselves the territory, from easy and succulent drinks.

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