Producer Cotar
The Branco & Vasja Cotar winegrowing company is located in the small village of Gorjansko, located to the west of the Karst region. Here the landscape is stony and wild, windy and mild, from the north comes the snow and the sea the "mornik" wind that spins on the red earth where it grows and produces the vine. The Cotar family has always lived in these areas; In the 1970s they ran a tavern where they sold the wine they produced, a red Teran and a white belarus. In the 90's they decided to handle the inn for lunch only on reservation and focus on wine production. Branko, assisted by his son, Vasja handles 8 hectares of vineyard, divided into several parcels, farmed according to biodynamic dictates. The cellar is dug into the rock and as mature wine is moved more and more deeply. Wine production is in line with local traditions and white wines are vinified as red with macerations of 4 to 10 days. The fermentations take place in oak casks from 225 to 2000 liters with native yeast from the vineyard. Maturation occurs in barrels ranging from 2 to 3 years for white wines and 4 to 5 years for red wines. Wines are not filtered to avoid being impoverished, so any bottle sediment is not a sign of defect. Two lines of wine produced, namely Dražna and Čotar, differing only for a longer barrel aging in the Čotar line.