Producer Dalle Nostre Mani
The project Dalle Nostre Mani is'born in 2005 in the hills of Cerbaie, recupenado old vines that appartenevono to 14 local farmers. To date the project has developed until reaching 14 hectares bred only Tuscan varieties such as Pugnitello, Foglia Tonda, Abrostine, Abrusco. They retrieve historical vines, the same people who now use to protect the memory and to preserve ancient knowledge that is likely to disappear. To these 14 gentlemen winery has dedicated the labels of wine bottles, portraying their faces. They use the old form of inverted group called Tuscan breeding and tie the branches of the rows with the willow branches without using plastic, just like the old days. All agricultural operations, from pruning to grape harvesting, are carried out manually with great passion, the same that characterizes the production of these natural wines that are all really gone out of our hands.