VINOCHAT is the solo project of Marie Lapierre, historic producer and pioneer of the natural wine movement in Beaujolais, which she founded in the 1990s together with her husband Marcel Lapierre. Marie meets Marcel when she was just twenty during a grape harvest at Domaine Lapierre, she falls in love and embraces the project to which she dedicates herself body and soul for a lifetime. In 2011 he decided to dedicate himself to an adventure of his own, thus VINOCHAT was born. For the first few years, Marie used a vineyard rented from Jules Chauvet for the project and dedicated it exclusively to the production of Cuvée du Chat, the only reference produced by the company. Over time Marie decided to bring the vineyard closer to home to make it easier to manage and therefore purchased some Beaujolais Villages vineyards near home. Inside the vineyards we find the traditional vine of the area: gamay, vinified in carbonic maceration, used for the production of Cuvée du Chat, the company's only label.

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