Producer Lilian Bauchet


Abandoning the daily work and going in search of a dream following your ideal requires a lot of dedication and faith. Lilian's passion is so great that anyone who meets him and tastes his wines cannot help but become passionate about it. Such are the intellect and the hand, that I would not be surprised if they "surpass" some of the masters and mentors who inspire them and from whom they have learned concepts and practices, such as Philippe Jambon or Julie Baligny. The domaine extends over about 6 hectares all in the Lancié area, between Fleurie and Morgon. Viticulture is decidedly manual and the role of vegetation is very reasoned, for example the choice not to trim and leave the leaf wall very high in order to alternate sun and shade for more homogeneous ripening. In the cellar the vinification is strictly without anything, SO2 included.

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