Producer Stefano Milanesi


The company of Stefano Milanesi is located in Santa Giuletta, in the hamlet of Castello, on the hills of Oltrepo Pavese. This area enjoys an ideal microclimate for the production of high quality wines. The vineyards are located at an altitude between 170 and 280 meters above sea level, and enjoy the currents of the Gulf of Tigullio that guarantees a perfect ripening of the grapes. The history of the company is ancient, dating back to the late nineteenth century when Antonio Milanesi bought vineyards next to his house. His son Leopold, enlarged the underground cellar dug in the marl and in the rock, where the wine could age. But the real breakthrough came with the son of Leopoldo, Antonio, who in the seventies bought new land and brought the business area from 2 to 11 hectares. Today the company is managed by Stefano Milanesi, winemaker and winemaker, who takes care of all the processes from the vineyard to the cellar, making use of forgotten techniques. Stefano succeeded over time, based on the different terrains and the different microclimatic conditions, to create micro-zones where his grapes are grown. In the warmer ones we find the Croatina and the Cabernet Sauvignon, in the colder ones the Riesling Italico and above all the Pinot Nero which reaches exceptional quality levels. In the vineyard, Stefano is particularly attentive and does a meticulous job so as to have very healthy grapes. No yeasts purchased are used in the cellar, no clarifying or bleaching treatments are carried out on musts and wines and acidification or deacidation are not carried out. The wines of Stefano Milanesi are exceptional, fruit of the territory.

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